Your Information First Name * Last Name * Student ID * Email * We have encountered many misspelled email addresses over this application period. Please double check and carefully enter e-mail addresses. If we can't contact you or your recommenders, you may miss out on scholarship opportunities. Major * Minor GPA * UNT GPA * Credit hours completed at UNT * Classification * - Select -FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorGraduate StudentPlease enter the classification you will belong to by the start of the next academic year. i.e., seniors on track to graduate this academic year would not be eligible for undergraduate awards by the next. Are you a Texas resident? * - Select -NoYes Select all that apply First Generation Student Transfer Student Masters Doctoral Permanent Address Street Address * City * State * Zip * Phone * Current Address Street Address City State Zip Phone Scholarships Please check the scholarships you are applying for. Carefully read eligibility requirements for all awards prior to applying. Dean’s Graduate Scholarship (Graduate- Specific Requirements on Application) The Dean’s List (Undergraduate) The UNT Foundation Endowed Fund for CLASS (Graduate) The Robert J. Hardin Scholarship (Undergraduate) The Charles T. and Mildred L. Newell Memorial Scholarship (Undergraduate) The Fenton Wayne Robnett Endowed Scholarship in Social Sciences Teaching Certification (Undergraduate) The Finseth-Hawkins Scholarship (Undergraduate) (Additional Documentation Required) The Voertman-Ardoin Memorial Scholarship (Undergraduate) The Voertman-Ardoin Scholarships in Liberal Arts (Undergraduate and Graduate) The A.M. Willis Endowed Scholarship (Undergraduate) The Eagles with Mettle Scholarship (Undergraduate) (Additional Documentation Required) General Narrative * Upload General narrative statement should be one page (single spaced) describing your academic background, career aspirations, extracurricular interests, and how this scholarship would benefit you.Files must be less than 10 MB.Allowed file types: txt pdf doc docx. Additional Documentation Upload Attach additional documentation specific to The Finseth-Hawkins Scholarship or The Eagles with Mettle Scholarship. Attach only if applying. Please review award information for instructions and eligibility.Files must be less than 10 MB.Allowed file types: txt pdf doc docx. Transcripts Transcripts can be unofficial. High school transcripts only required for applicants currently in high school. Transcript #1 * Upload Files must be less than 10 MB.Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png txt pdf doc docx. Transcript #2 Upload Files must be less than 10 MB.Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png txt pdf. Transcript #3 Upload Files must be less than 10 MB.Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf. Transcript #4 Upload Files must be less than 10 MB.Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf. Recommendations Please give the e-mail for the reference from whom you wish to request your letter of recommendation. This should be a reference you are confident can prepare the strongest letter. They will be sent a URL via e-mail at which they can submit their letter. Reference Email * We have encountered many misspelled email addresses over this application period. Please double check and carefully enter the e-mail address. If we can't contact you or your recommender, you may miss out on scholarship opportunities. Agreement to requirements * I have read, understand, and agree to all requirements pertaining to the scholarships that I am applying for. Submit